“God is our refuge and strength,
an ever-present help in trouble”
- Psalm 9:9-10

Michel Williams

Jill Karber

Founded in 2022, Sacred Spaces was created by Michel Williams and Jill Karber, two moms passionately devoted to their faith,
struggling to raise their children who identify as LGBTQ in the Church. It is often said that when a child comes out of the closet, a parent goes in.
Lack of support as a Christian parent amplified the feelings of loneliness, isolation, and deep shame.
Additionally, after their children came out of the closet, barriers to continue to grow spiritually were revealed in the deeply hurtful rejection
they faced from their Christian peers and adults in their faith communities.

It was then that Michel and Jill recognized the desperate need for a local Christian community
and resources for parents that allows opportunity to wrestle with what it means to love their children
like Jesus while still holding a traditional sexual ethic.

Their hearts were also broken for the LGBTQ youth and adults who have left their churches out of fear of rejection
because of experiencing same sex attraction or gender dysphoria.

Sacred Spaces was born from the idea that when a person can exist authentically, without fear of judgement or rejection,
deeper understanding of God’s unconditional love for us opens a path for healing and flourishing in the faith.

How We Can Help






Parenting with Grace and Truth

Beginning Wednesdays on April 10, 2024 through June 5, 2024, we are hosting a support group for Christian parents, family members, or friends of LGBTQ loved ones. We will meet on Wednesday evenings from 6:30 pm to 8:00 pm at Bellingham CTK, located at 4173 Meridian Street in classroom 210. This will be a 9-week format in a safe space to explore and learn about what it means to love your family member or friends like Jesus, while holding a traditional biblical sexual ethic. If you or someone you know is interested, please RSVP by using the link below to email us directly. 

  • Are you a family member, friend, or community member struggling to know how to accept your LGBTQ loved one while still holding onto a traditional sexual ethic? Do you identify as LGBTQ and feel estranged from your family? We are here to help! We provide consultations for individuals and family members looking to mend relationships.

  • We provide ongoing support groups and education for parents and community members who want to learn how to grow in their capacity to love the LGBTQ community more effectively. Most of our curriculum is taken from material created by The Center for Faith Sexuality and Gender.

  • Twice a year we partner with a local organization that works with individuals who have been marginalized due to their sexual orientation or gender identity. Our only goal is to share the love of Jesus!

  • Journeys of Faith: All are welcome, no matter where you are in your own faith journey, whether you’re a curious agnostic, a lifelong Christian, or anywhere in between. And we hope you’ll feel welcome in this space no matter what you believe about sexual ethics or gender identity ethics—or if you’re still not sure what you believe.
    This will be a safe space to explore faith without fear of judgment.

    *Pronouns will be honored

If you identify as LGBTQ and are interested in exploring faith in a safe and welcoming environment, we would love to have you join us as we explore various faith topics together.
Click the button below to email us directly and learn more!

Contact Us

Michel Williams @ (360)815-2440
Jill Karber @ (971)337-0146